Competitive Keywords, Brand Refresh, Limited Leads, Content Woe

Digital Marketing Case Study with Impact Utah

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Project Overview

Increase in Traffic
New Keywords Ranking
Increase in Social Following
Industry Manufacturer training and consultation
Value Provided SEO; Content Development; Marketing Automation
Project Overview

Refining your company’s digital marketing efforts can be addictive. When you start on one strategy, like SEO, you soon realize there are several other moving parts involved in bolstering your marketing strategy to achieve even greater results.

When iMpact Utah came to Big Leap in 2020, they initially only wanted help with their SEO efforts, particularly with keyword optimization. But, as our relationship progressed, they quickly increased their budget to add social media, email marketing, and marketing automation strategies to the mix. Due to this holistic marketing approach, we were able to increase their site traffic by over 300%.

Find out what we did to make this happen for iMpact Utah and contact us to learn how we could do the same for your company.

Our Strategy

Our Strategy

iMpact Utah was in dire need of a brand refresh. That meant redesigning their website and developing rich content resources to be included in certain marketing campaigns. To accomplish this, we employed a few tactics.

Local SEO

After conducting extensive research, we discovered that many of the keywords iMpact Utah wanted to target and rank for were incredibly competitive. In fact, they were too saturated to compete on the national level. But on the local level? That was a different story. We found local versions of the desired keywords and used them to optimize both existing and new site pages.

Gated Resource Content

Aside from creating content for local SEO, we looked at content from a lead gen perspective. When a qualified lead comes across gated content, they are more likely to provide their email to get the content versus through a regular form, making it an ideal tactic for attracting new leads that convert into sales.

We wanted to leverage this idea with our content creation. We knew we would only inspire leads to share their email if we could provide something truly unique and helpful. So, we worked with iMpact Utah to find evergreen topics that were highly relevant to their audience. Once those pieces of content were created, their long shelf-life meant iMpact Utah could repeatedly use them in future promotions.

Content Distribution

Once our content team created new content (and optimized the old), it was time to distribute. We knew our SEO efforts would help organically distribute the content on Google. But to firmly establish iMpact Utah’s brand position, we employed organic social and email marketing strategies. This helped us target iMpact Utah’s existing list of potential clients with highly relevant content and alert them to the company’s upcoming events.

Altogether, these efforts produced a 320% increase in site traffic within the first four months of their new site launch.


The Results

The two most beneficial results were, one, better-connected campaigns and, two, a more robust website. Our multi-service approach to iMpact Utah’s marketing needs helped them integrate SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, and Marketing Automation into a unified strategy.

At the same time, the volume of webpage, blog, and gated content we produced turned iMpact Utah’s website into the robust resource you see today.

While those results are great, what about the actual numbers? What did a holistic strategy and a robust website actually produce?

By improving their web pages and content, iMpact Utah enjoyed a myriad of other benefits. After promoting their social channels for three months, they saw a 147% increase in social followings and a 208% increase in social impressions.

In four months, we managed to add 4,937 additional Google rankings, many of which were for the local terms we targeted.

impact utah keywords

Altogether, these efforts produced a 320% increase in site traffic within the first four months of their new site launch—300% of that came from new traffic. As a result, their website traffic was consistently better in 2021 when compared to 2020.

impact utah traffic growth
Make an Impact on Your Marketing Strategies

A full-service marketing plan, like what iMpact Utah enjoyed, is the best way to see quick and lasting results. Contact Big Leap today to learn how our holistic approach to marketing can improve your bottom line.

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That’s Enough About Us.

Here’s the thing about our SEO agency: We prefer long-term partnerships that are deeply rooted in trust. Before we dive right into this, we’d like to get to know you better, get a feel for your current situation, and talk about your marketing goals and expectations.

You can call us now, or we can meet over lunch. Either way, we’re excited to meet you.

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