Low Visibility, Traffic, Non-Branded Keywords, Competition

B2B SEO Case Study with Round Sky

Round Sky logo

Project Overview

Increase in Ranking Keywords
Increase in Keyword Positions
Increase in Organic Traffic
Website https://www.roundsky.com/
Industry Financial lead generation, B2B
Value Provided Organic search visibility and rankings
Project Overview

If you’ve hit the ground running with PPC (pay-per-click), great. But paid search efforts alone will only take you so far. To truly bolster your online authority for the long run, you’ve got to have the best of both worlds—PPC and SEO. Take it from financial lead generation business Round Sky which decided to pair the two together. 

Having had ample experience and opportunities to grow in the PPC (pay-per-click) space, Round Sky had its eyes on organic search next. They partnered with Big Leap in October 2021 to generate organic leads in the personal and installment loan space.

Together, we built a customized SEO campaign that earned Round Sky a 3,400% increase in keyword rankings and more. Keep reading for the fine details.

Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Round Sky targets two different audiences: 

  • Publishers who want to use their websites/blogs to drive revenue through affiliate links/marketing. 
  • Lenders interested in buying personal and payday loan leads. 

With this in mind, Big Leap aimed to establish a solid SEO campaign that would help our client boost their SERP (search engine results page) coverage. We took a three-step approach to achieve this: 

  1. Keyword strategy and search intent 
  2. Site audit and technical SEO 
  3. Content strategy 

Keyword Strategy and Search Intent

The Big Leap team kicked off Round Sky’s campaign by launching an in-depth competitive and search intent analysis. 

Since Round Sky targets multiple audiences, alignment among keywords, search intent, and audience was crucial. To achieve this, we dove into: 

  • Seed keyword research 
  • Competitive gap analysis 
  • Research on Round Sky’s business and industry

Site Audit and Technical SEO

With our keyword strategy set, Big Leap focused on ensuring Round Sky had a solid technical site foundation. This would help our client’s site perform well and provide a positive user experience—two key elements to winning Google’s trust. 

We launched a site audit where we addressed the following with Round Sky’s development team: 

  • Duplicate content 
  • Index coverage 
  • Site speed 
  • Internal link structure
  • Core Web Vitals performance 
  • Metadata 

Content Strategy

Content is key in maximizing SEO value. Without it, search engines don’t have enough information to help your rank. 

Therefore, Big Leap’s SEO team partnered with our content team to create and optimize Round Sky’s content that: 

  • Incorporated relevant keywords 
  • Resolved duplicate content 
  • Consolidated pages that were similar
  • Built a stronger internal link structure 
  • Provided more value to our client’s audience
  • Improved Round Sky’s domain authority (DA)
The campaign for Round Sky, so far, has been largely successful. We were able to tackle a wide range of foundational SEO initiatives to support their organic search goals and build authority around their brand. The results are above-average for a typical campaign and can be attributed to intentional and strategic targeting in addition to healthy collaborative effort between the Big Leap team and the client. -Big Leap Account Manager


The Results

By laying the groundwork for a robust SEO campaign, Round Sky was able to earn the organic visibility they sought to achieve: 

  • 38.46% increase in organic traffic from non-branded keywords. We saw a 38.46% increase in organic traffic when comparing October 2021 to May 2022. 
  • 3,400% increase in non-branded keyword rankings. Round Sky started the campaign out only ranking for two organic keywords that were non-branded in October of 2021. They are now ranking for 70 organic non-branded keywords, which represents a 3,400% increase in ranking keywords. 
This graph shows a 38.46% increase in organic traffic when comparing October 2021 to May 2022.
  • An 861 position increase for core target keywords. These keywords were determined to be the most impactful for the client’s business goals. Several of these keywords have ranked on the first page of Google.
This graph shows an 861 position increase for core target keywords
  • Improvement in competitive positioning in the organic search space. With the SEO achievements above, Round Sky has earned a large increase in competitive positioning in their space.
This competitive positioning map shows a large increase in competitive positioning in their space
  • These SEO achievements combined with their PPC efforts have: 
    • Maximized Round Sky’s online real estate
    • Helped our client get seen by more people who matter most to their business
Drive High-Quality Results with Big Leap

Have you reached your full online potential yet? There’s always room for improvement. Contact Big Leap to see where your business stands and discover creative ways to bolster your online visibility and authority.

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