Erynn Porter

Erynn Porter

Writing Team Lead

Expertise: Writing, research, digital marketing

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, New England College


  • Focused on engaging and connecting with readers
  • Adaptable with multi-industry expertise/experience
  • Loves collaborating with other Big Leapers
  • Cat lover and amateur nail artist


Erynn has been in the digital marketing and content writing industry for eight years. Immediately after graduating college, she joined a digital marketing agency as a freelance writer. She took advantage of the agency’s free digital marketing classes to learn more about SEO basics and sharpen her skills.

Since joining Big Leap in 2022, Erynn has been the dedicated writer for 10–15 clients (her favorite was a dog food brand because she loves animals). However, one of her skills is adaptability, so she doesn’t hesitate to jump in to assist other writers. She’s worked with around 30 clients in total. Her love of researching helps her jump from HR topics to plumbing in the same day.

Erynn uses her creative writing and collaboration skills to discover new ways to make content stand out while still connecting with readers. She focuses on creating a connection between clients and their potential customers by displaying empathy in any content she writes.

She’s written:

  • Blog posts
  • How-To guides
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Product pages


Erynn has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from New England College (formerly New Hampshire Institute of Art). She also holds various digital marketing certifications.

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