Article marketing is as old as the interest itself. Essentially, the internet is simply a compilation of information in the form of articles, videos, music, and other content that is easily assessable. By creating more unique quality content through writing and publishing articles, your website can rank higher in the search engines. Here are a few simple steps to increasing your website’s rankings in the search engines with article marketing:
Write the article
The idea of writing an article can be scary for some, but there’s really no need to worry, writing an article can be both fun and educational. The first thing you want to do is find out what you want to write about. If you have a website about auto body repair, then you’ll want to write an article that is relevant to the theme of your website. After you decide on what you want to write about, you’ll need to find a keyword you can optimize it for; for example, if you have an auto body repair website, you might consider optimizing your article for the keyword “how to fix car dents.” You’ll want to make sure your article theme, and the keyword you optimize it for, are relevant.
After you decide on what to write about, and what keyword to target, you can follow this simple formula for writing your article:
This is where you tell your readers what you’re going to tell them.
This is where you tell them.
This is where you tell them what you told them by reiterating the main points of the body. Your summery should also include an anchor text link that will lead your readers, and the search engines, to your website. An anchor text link is a keyword link that you want your website to rank for. Here is an example of an anchor text link: [a href=””]your target keyword[/a]. Note: Replace all of the [ & ] with < & >.
Distribute the article
After writing and optimizing your article, you’ll need to distribute it to as many article directories as you can. An article directory is a place where you can publish articles on many different topics. Here is a list of some of the article directories you can submit your article to:
By following these simple steps, you can boost your search engine rankings and gain more targeted traffic. If you want to expedite your website’s success, and see it rank in the search engines, checkout our affordable search engine optimization services.