Low Engagement Due to Lack of Customized SEO & Content Marketing

Home Services SEO Case Study with American Roofing

American Roofing Company logo

Project Overview

Increase in New Users
Increase in Keywords
Increase in Organic Sessions
Website https://www.amcoroof.com/
Industry Home Services — Roofing
Value Provided Increased Organic Traffic
Project Overview

You want every dollar you spend on marketing to help drive your business. But when you’re spending money with no return on investment, it’s time to switch up your strategy.

This is the situation American Roofing was in. After working with an SEO consultant who wasn’t delivering the right results, American Roofing looked for a digital marketing agency that could generate long-term results and address the heavier competition the company was facing. So in the early summer of 2020, they started their partnership with Big Leap.

Having worked with several other roofing companies in the past, Big Leap is well-versed in providing SEO and digital marketing services in the home services industry. So it’s no surprise that when comparing their numbers from the start of the campaign to now, American Roofing has earned a 351.02% increase in organic sessions

Find out how we customized our marketing strategy to fit American Roofing’s needs and learn more about how Big Leap’s SEO services can do the same for you.

Our Strategy

Our primary focus was to create a sound technical foundation for American Roofing’s website. Their existing website wasn’t optimized for mobile and lacked security, along with a variety of other issues negatively impacting SEO. 

The Big Leap team patched up the technical errors on American Roofing’s site to help our client start earning results. Meanwhile, we worked on launching a new site for them. We launched the new website in 2021 with positive SEO results right out of the gate. But there was still plenty of room for growth, so we got our hands dirty and dove deep into the details. 

Service Page Enhancements

One of the areas we strongly focused on when building the new website was American Roofing’s service pages. We analyzed the company’s top-converting service pages and updated them with fresh, optimized content. This supported increased visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). 

We also completed several initiatives to support E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) including quality informational content and creating new pages to promote the company’s standing in the industry. Those pages included a highlight of their certifications, a portfolio, an about us page, and more.

Competitive Keyword and Traffic Gaps

We performed an in-depth analysis of keyword gaps (queries that competitors ranked for but the client did not) and identified several opportunities to drive qualified traffic to the website. 

This included supplementary services that the clients provided but did not address on their website and alternative keywords (ex: roof repair vs. fix roof). The team created new pages or informational posts to address these keyword gaps.

Local SEO Strategy

While American Roofing’s primary target is Salt Lake City queries, they have a wide service area that also covers neighboring cities. When they started working with us, they didn’t have location pages that could reach potential customers based on the outskirts of Salt Lake

The team researched the top keywords for each city within American Roofing’s service area and created optimized pages for each city that now rank for a broad mix of local keywords (ex: roofer Layton, UT).

“This project has been very successful so far. The keyword rankings, traffic, and engagement metrics have all shown significant improvements and are gaining momentum as we continue with campaign initiatives.”


The Results

After fixing technical issues, creating content, and improving user experience, American Roofing saw improved search rankings, more organic traffic, and better user engagement. 

When comparing organic traffic to the start of the campaign, American Roofing has seen:

  • 384.02% more users
  • 431.33% more new users
  • 351.02% more sessions
  • 165.54% more pageviews.
All-Time Comprehensive Keyword Ranking Increase in Google Search

Over the course of the campaign, American Roofing has seen:

  • Total ranking keywords increase from 219 keywords to 2,808 keywords
  • Total first-page keywords increase from 11 keywords to 154 keywords
Total Ranking Keyword Graph
Big Leap Has You Covered on All Things Digital

American Roofing’s partnership with Big Leap has been incredibly successful and provides an example of the results you can see when partnerships are built on trust and transparency. When you work with an SEO agency that prides itself on intentional collaboration, you can expect to see your results skyrocket. 

If you’re ready to see the value of long-term search momentum that significantly boosts your rankings, get in touch with our team today.

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That’s Enough About Us.

Here’s the thing about our SEO agency: We prefer long-term partnerships that are deeply rooted in trust. Before we dive right into this, we’d like to get to know you better, get a feel for your current situation, and talk about your marketing goals and expectations.

You can call us now, or we can meet over lunch. Either way, we’re excited to meet you.

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